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Apricot Springerle

Updated: Oct 19, 2022

Apricot Jam Springerle Cookies


  1. 1 cup unsalted butter

  2. 1 large egg

  3. 2/3 cup sieved apricot jam (use food processor/blender to break up fruit)

  4. 1/2 teaspoon lemon oil

  5. 2/3 cup sugar

  6. 1/4 teaspoon salt

  7. approx. 4-1/2 cups (630 gm) all-purpose flour

  8. Parchment paper to line baking sheets


  1. Melt butter and set aside. Whisk egg in large bowl. Mix jam and lemon oil. Add to egg and beat until well mixed. Mix sugar and salt. Add to egg mixture and beat until well mixed. Add melted butter slowly and beat until well mixed. Add flour slowly until mixture is solid enough to knead. Transfer to work surface and knead in more flour if required to make a soft, slightly sticky dough.

  2. Press into a flat disk, place in zip bag and refrigerate up to 1/2 hour until firm but still flexible. Roll to approx. 3/8 inch (5mm), thicker for a very deep mold. Dust surface and mold with flour. Press mold firmly into dough to fill cavity. Remove mold and cut out cookie. Place on baking sheet. Repeat.

  3. Refrigerate molded cookies while you preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until the cookies have slightly browned and tops have begun to firm up.

  4. You can substitute any fruit jam for apricot for a delicious variation.


  1. This recipe works best with molds that are deep and not highly detailed.

© Copyright 2018, Lee Shepherd. All rights reserved.

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